You can’t find success if you’re not living in successful ways.
Many people who chase success spend a LOT of time trying to figure out the secrets of how to become successful. They read, go to seminars, purchase cd’s and dvd’s yet at the end of the day, still find themselves struggling.
The truth is….success is a way of life. So why is it a constant uphill battle? Why do you feel like you take one step forward and two steps back?
I think a big part of the problem is in how some of us live our daily lives. Sure, you might want success but are you “living” successfully?
What do I mean?
Ok, we all know we’re not going to get very far without taking action, right? But are you constantly doing things, maybe things you’re not even aware of, that might be hindering any chance for success? Are you sabotaging your own efforts?
Do you associate with people who are constantly bringing you down? Are you participating in negative behavior like gossip and drama? What about your eating habits? Are you working on your own personal development on a daily basis?
All these things affect you physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally. You are telling the universe what you want but your actions are the complete opposite of what it is you are seeking. It’s like dying of thirst and trying to quench that thirst with a glass of sand.
Every single action you take on a daily basis will either bring you closer to or farther away from what it is you desire. Control your actions! Control what you allow to come into your brain and out of your mouth! Stop doing things that aren’t going to affect you in a positive way.
Next time you’re in a conversation where there’s gossip involved, don’t participate, walk away from it. Trust me, people will eventually start to get the hint that you have no interest in participating in these low energy activities.
Obsessed with news? Give it a rest! Stop consuming it! It’s not helping you or making you better in any way. I gave this up many months ago myself and it was one of the best decisions I’ve EVER made!
Focus on feeding your mind the good stuff. Form some new habits and instead of listening/watching news, consume materials that will inspire you. Doing this on a daily basis will help you get into the necessary mindset which will in turn help you get closer to your goals.
What about eating? Are you putting crappy foods into your body? Just like most everything else on the planet, food is energy. When you put bad food into your body, you are only weakening yourself.
Are you investing in yourself? Do you have a mentor or a coach? Do you think it’s a coincidence that so many of the top performing Business Owners, CEO’s, Athletes and so many others spend money on the best coaches they could find?
Do what you’re good at but leverage the power of others that have done the things you are trying to do, and are REALLY good at it! Like Darren Hardy (Publisher of Success magazine) taught me, invest in yourself by tithing in yourself!
I’m sure some/most of you are tithing in one way or another. In addition to “giving away” 10% of your paycheck to help others, tithe another 10% back to yourself and invest it in your own personal development! Whether it’s in the form of coaches, mentors, seminars or programs, invest in yourself.
I’ve outlined just a few ways that can bring about MASSIVE change in your life. It’s now up to you.
Believing you will be successful is great but if you don’t act in successful ways, it will never happen.